Chase Danger Is April’s Member of the Month!
April’s Member of the Month is none other than Chase Danger: Suburban Brawl blocker, Backyard Bullies coach, and Fresh Meat trainer. Chase puts the work in behind the scenes and on the track. Learn more about her below!
Who are you?
Chase Danger 23
How long have you been playing roller derby?
4 years
When did you join SRD?
September 2013, I believe.
Why did you start playing roller derby?
Because I just knew it was something I could do. It was very frightening at first. But I’m better now.
Why do you keep playing roller derby?
Bc it’s fun. I like jam starts. I like official reviews. Those are always exciting, waiting for the outcome. If you are on leadership it is like gambling. 50/50 chance. Unless you just use it as a timeout. Honestly, I love the shit out of my teammates. I believe in Suburbia and I want nothing for us but to succeed. We are on the right track this year and that’s exciting! No matter what happens, we’re all in.
What’s your proudest derby moment?
1. Fresh Meat Class of 2016- I put a lot of effort into assisting with recruitment. The newest members we have are amazing!
2. Realizing I can block you.
What do you do outside of derby?
I’m a Social Worker. I love my dog. My family is awesome. My gf is okay too. 😉 I really enjoy watching MSNBC. I love doing admin work for the league in my spare time. No lie.
What are you hoping to do this season?
I’m hoping to really give back to my league by helping to train Fresh Meat and coaching the Bullies. I will stay out of all things A Team and just keep a low profile but work extremely hard on the track to stop that opposing jammer. Oh wait, I am also hoping to help facilitate one helleva party for our 10 year SRD anniversary. (8.5.17)
Love you Chase!!!
I am so proud of you my baby Chase. Mommy Danger loves you. You’re the absolute BEST!